
Hotel and Hospitality Management education

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While I mainly write about Post Graduate programs, one Undergraduate program I strongly recommend to potential students looking at eventual study in Europe is the Ecole de Commerce SCPU Associate degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management.

This program incorporates two United Kingdom OFQUAL Diploma programs and graduates have a selection of UK Universities they can complete a Bachelor of Hospitality with.

University of Derby
Bournemouth University
University of Central Lancashire
University of Sunderland
University of Northampton

This program is taught by E-Tutoring system and is assessed through the writing of a series of assignments for each subject.

By completing OFQUAL programs before applying to the UK University, the student demonstrates that they are serious in studying.

The hotel industry in the UK and other western countries are looking for qualified staff. This program gives people an International (British) Hotel Management qualification.

For more details please visit