
Types of Masters degrees

There are several thousands of higher education institutions in the world that offer Masters degree programs, but there are three basic different styles of Masters program.

1 – A program that is designed to make you a specialist within the discipline area you have a Bachelors degree.

For example, a Bachelor of Law Graduate specialised in Constitutional Law may complete a Master of Law in Constitutional Law.

2 – The second type is a program that is designed for Bachelor degree graduates from a wide range of disciplines who wish to develop their Business Management knowledge.

Most Master of Business Administration (MBA) programs are designed for this. They aim to provide the student with knowledge in a discipline area that was not already covered in the students Bachelor degree studies.

3 – The final type of programs are more research focused. The student researches a topic which extends their knowledge on a limited topic via the research, planning and writing of a major thesis. The thesis is most similar in style to a mini Doctorate thesis. They are often offered within a Master of Arts and Master of Philosophy degree programs.


Pre-Masters Programs

If you do not have a Bachelor degree but wish to study a UK MBA, one of the alternatives for working professionals is to have the workplace knowledge you already posses evaluated by a professional credential evaluator.

Having an independent report of your knowledge / skills and those expressed in a academic credit hour equivalent can help you to qualify for entry into some post graduate programs.

If you are able to obtain 40 hours of credit recognition, this is considered the equivalent of the first year of a three year UK Bachelors degree, so you will be able to enrol directly into a an UK Ofqual level 5 Diploma and then level 6 Diploma.

If you are able to obtain 80 hours of credit recognition, this is considered the equivalent of the first two years of a three year UK Bachelors degree, so you will be able to enrol directly into a a UK Ofqual level then level 6 Diploma.

Completing the Level 6 Diploma will open up your ability to enrol into a wide range of UK University MBA programs.


Post Graduate Education

The best value Post Graduate program is a UK OFQUAL registered Post Graduate Diploma in Management which enables all graduates to complete a one or two semester MBA top up program (depends upon the top up program selected) to earn a MBA with a number of UK Universities. Some of the “top up” programs are campus based and some online.

As well as the MBA option, graduates can complete a Master of Arts in Human Resources or Master of Science in Finance and Accounting.

This one Post Graduate Diploma can be used to join several top up programs giving the student the flexibility to earn a range of Masters degrees.